On Unleashing the Beast Within

Over the years many have made note of my “healthy competitive drive”, often accompanied with belittlement and such descriptors as “obnoxious” and “obsessive”. I do not consider myself more competitive than most, just more outwardly expressive of this quality. Although, I admit, I’m very annoying to play cards with.

There is a fine line between driven and crazy. Case in point: when I run on the treadmill, I like to run faster than the person beside me. I don’t stop running before they stop. The other day I notice the girl beside me is booting it. When I run faster, so does she. I’m killing myself trying to keep up with my fine new adversary. My admiration soon turns into irritation. When is this bitch going to stop running? It is at this point that I realize that I’m running beside a mirror and, in fact, the girl running beside me is my own reflection.

I was both aghast and delighted. Firstly: I look so hardcore when I run! Secondly: the metaphorical nature of this story is astounding. Thirdly: yes, I am slightly crazy. But this is the kind of crazy that I embrace. I wouldn’t be who I am or where I am without this competitive beast within.

And so I say to my reflection in the mirror: Bring it.

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Things that make me cry (that shouldn’t)

  • Bad haircuts (See Overpriced Hair)
  • Handicapped dogs
  • Pinot Grigio, but only out of love
  • The “Thank You Mom” P&G commercial. I’m not a mom or an Olympic athlete (breaking news, I know!), but apparently I’m very easily manipulated by marketers.

  • But seriously, who didn’t bawl like a baby during the first 5 minutes of UP?

  • I’m a sucker for every time the fat kid/loser rocks it on reality TV.

  • Grey’s Anatomy. I had to choose happiness and stop watching it.

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A Love Letter to Pinot Grigio

Oh Pinot Grigio, how I love you so. You make me so witty and clever, if not to anyone else, then at least to myself.  You’re even good for me when consumed in healthy amounts!  And even though I never actually consume you in healthy amounts, at least I know I have that option should I choose to exercise it.

I admit, I do stray every so often for a Sauvignon Blanc or a nasty shot against my better judgment.  But I will always return to you.  Please know that even though my liver may not always accept you, my heart always will. Pinot Grigio, you are kind, benevolent, magical, and I love you.

Forever Yours,


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Things a Girl will Never Say

1. Do these pants make me look too skinny?

2. I look too hot in these photos.

3. OMG, these shoes are super cute!! I’m not gonna buy them.

4. I just got my period and I feel amazing!

5. I’m so excited to stay in tonight and watch UFC.

6. Those Victoria Secret models are so real.

7. I love it when you can see my panty lines through my pants.

8. That girl looks great with her boobs hanging out. She should do that more often.

9. Oh cool, I just got my first wrinkle!

10. I wish I could be more like Snooki.

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Overpriced Hair

Overpriced HairThanks for visiting my blog! This is what I look like when I roll out of bed in the morning. No, not really, this is what I look like after spending a lot of time and money at an overpriced hair salon, which I visit frequently so as to have natural looking hair.

With this blog I hope to move, inspire and in general make you a better person. Just kidding, what kind of asshole do I think I am? It would be cool if this blog could just make you laugh, smile, or, let’s be honest, buy my book…

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