It’s a fact. Female spies are hot. I’ve studied Angelina Jolie’s movies and have come to terms with the fact that the world of espionage is not for me. I will have to find other ways to look hot, like blogging.
These are the important things I think about in my spare time:
- I can’t run anywhere near as well as Tom Cruise.
- I can’t fight in heels. In fact, I can’t fight.
- I’m not at my best when I’m hungry, have had less than 6 hours sleep, am having a bad hair day (see Overpriced hair), have had more than 2 glass of wine or if Starbucks is out of biscotti. Other than that I’m good. About 5% of the time.
- I get disoriented coming of out elevators, when in buildings, and at any point when driving.
- I’m screwed if the MapQuest directions are wrong.
- When I’m stressed, I really just need to stop. And drink.